Synonym: invite. Similar words: away from, try for, cry for, by force, apply for, pay, pay out, pay off. Meaning: v. have as a guest.
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91. Some children miss out because their parents can't afford to pay for school trips.
92. Under this arrangement you can pay for the goods over a longer period.
93. I'm blowed if I'm going to pay for his taxi home.
94. Most of the money went to pay for the food and drink.
95. There may not be enough money to pay for the repairs.
96. I have had to pay for repairs to the house.
97. We all want a cleaner environment but who is going to pay for it?
98. A new boiler would pay for itself within two years.
99. Loneliness is a high price to pay for independence in your old age.
100. I'm in a bit of a jam — I haven't got enough money to pay for this meal.
101. It's the custom for the bride's father to pay for the wedding.
102. He was clearly relieved when we offered to pay for the damage.
103. 'But how can we pay for it?' said John practically.
104. The cost of a policy premium is a small price to pay for peace of mind.
105. They made him pay for his offence by giving him the sack.
106. I can't pay for the books now. Will you bill me later?
107. I've been scrimping and saving all year to pay for our holiday.
108. The council has put its road - widening scheme on ice until it has the money to pay for it.
109. In a weak moment,([ for.html] I agreed to pay for her holiday.
110. It's all very well to suggest a skiing holiday, but I'm the one who will have to pay for it.
111. ,Never mind ,saying you're 'sorry, who's going to pay for the damage you've done?
112. He was forced to sell the family silver to pay for the repairs to the house.
113. It's a bit steep that I should pay for all of you!
114. The country needs to raise enough hard currency to pay for its oil imports.
115. You'll have to pay for the packaging and transportation costs, not forgetting airport taxes.
116. He had some repairs to pay for over and above the cost of the car.
117. Don't go away with the idea that you don't have to pay for it.
118. How much did you have to borrow to pay for this?
119. He tricked me and I'm going to make him pay for it!
120. I would gladly pay for the extra security such a scheme would bring.